Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Action and Information: Which Is More Valuable?

Wayne White
min read

Most people think of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) as a tool that does a single thing, automating what occurs between any two points within a process or supply chain. While this is mostly true, it is only half of the story. RPA automates an action, but it also automates, collects, and generates data that can be of even greater value than the automated action itself.  A fair working assumption is that the greater the complexity of a process or supply chain (and the greater number of RPA points) the greater the value of the data generated by the RPA effort. This is genuinely nerdy. Hold on though, it will make perfect sense and be more interesting than it might first seem.

Organizational Complexity and RPA

Consider a large manufacturing company’s supply chain, in which there are dozens of organizations delivering the products or materials created. There can be dozens of additional partner companies in the supply chain as well, not to mention associated third  party service companies (shipping, receiving, distribution). The entire process can be quite complex, particularly when one considers horizontal or vertical integration points, or even both. That last level of complexity will give you gray hair almost immediately.

If you automate the handoffs within and between various companies and business units, you can create a map of real-time movement within the supply chain. This resembles the Digital Twinning being discussed in technology circles today, though RPA can generate real-time observability of what you did not know could be seen between systems. In other words, RPA creates an opportunity to learn what you could otherwise never know and help you identify opportunities for continuous improvement.

Using RPA Data to Uncover Business Opportunities

For example, you may see that a dozen grouped RPA robots regularly go idle from 8:00 pm Wednesday to 8am Thursday. The managed RPA data shows exactly where the inputs were missing; upon investigation you discover that one supply chain provider stopped its output at that time for retooling, upgrades, or factory line switching – despite contractual arrangements otherwise. Short of a wildly expensive and years-long multi-company ERP implementation (don’t get me started) there is no other way to gather and act on these occurrences until long after they happen.

An experienced business executive knows these sorts of things can happen every single day, requiring fast resolution. Managed RPA data can help you find these outliers faster and in real time. While I used a manufacturing example, RPA data can be just as impactful for generating actionable data across such industries and functions as services, logistics, retail, healthcare, finance, or advanced technology.

These are not small discoveries, 20% of your output being impacted in one day can be the difference between hitting a delivery date or missing it, between getting repeat business or not, or winning or losing a client. In our hyper-competitive areas, these lapses can have serious consequences.

RPA Data Is an Added Bonus

Remember, RPA can pay for itself in savings and efficiency gains through automating actions alone, so these real-time data outputs are icing on the cake – they are bonus value-adds generated by RPA teams that have a deep understanding of business. A smart company takes advantage of that data and genuinely appreciates the heads-up.

One client I worked with so appreciated the data generated that they named the collected RPA points as “Robby the robot,” and would send out emails that said, “Robby sent a note, somethings going on at X.” usually followed by someone saying, “Thanks Robby!” or “Robby Rocks!” It is why so many companies create cute robot icons for their RPA integrations in genuine appreciation for the unexpected value they can add if effectively managed, monitored, and observed.

At this point, I am seriously considering creating and selling T shirts with a cute RPA robot that says, “Danger Will Robinson!” directed at value-added RPA data. However, I am a bit concerned that will get me sued, or even worse it might give away my age.

Wayne White

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